Once upon a time there was a huge piece of land with rich natural resources. No one really knew about it's existence. One day a genius thought he landed in India and named the natives, "Red Indian." I always wondered why the natives were called Red Indians? Were they really red in color? What do I know, I was probably sitting in Starbucks sipping my coffee and thinking about White Indians. Rolling on 300 years, America, the land of opportunity was created. The sins were washed after abolishing slavery and Industrial Revolution started. Sorry what I meant was, the journey of "dreams", "hopes", and yes, my favorite word "greed" for superiority was taken to a new level. Hitler found himself in a bad shape in WWI and got his rage out in WWII. The Brits, who ruled the world found themselves in bad shape, and freed the colonies. Wow...generosity to the full extent! What happened to USA in between? They won the war with the allied forces, and time for rock-n-roll. We are all equals and let's work hard and make some money and live for today! Why not?
The freedom of press, equal rights and justice for all took the the country into prosperity. We know what happened after that..key words, "overspending" and "over banking." Will we get out of this rut, sure we can and we will! We have our dreams, sure "buddy get up, there is a sheriff outside with an eviction notice!"
Boy and girls and cats and dogs, live in reality and face the facts which boils down to only two lovely words called SUPPLY and DEMAND!
The freedom of press, equal rights and justice for all took the the country into prosperity. We know what happened after that..key words, "overspending" and "over banking." Will we get out of this rut, sure we can and we will! We have our dreams, sure "buddy get up, there is a sheriff outside with an eviction notice!"
Boy and girls and cats and dogs, live in reality and face the facts which boils down to only two lovely words called SUPPLY and DEMAND!