Thursday, May 21, 2009

Confidence in leadership

Confidence in leadership

As per my reading I found that, “Self-confidence is the fundamental basis from which leadership grows.”

At the end of the day, leadership is about having the confidence to make decisions. If I as a manager am afraid to make and commit to decisions, all of the communication and empowerment in the world won't make a squat of difference when I am dealing with my staff members. In order to encourage loyal and diligent followers or employees I need to have my employees respect me as a manager. Respect is a very sensitive word which I need to earn by my actions and decisions I make in the company. I need to know my work thoroughly via education and experience. I need to be a problem solver rather then a problem maker for my employees. Lastly, I need to believe in my ability and stand for my decisions with substantial back-up, a sign or an indication for a self confident leader in my opinion.

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